Relationship with Rotary International
As our world becomes increasingly interconnected and as our members’ international interests grow, the Rotary International Board of Directors reaffirmed, in the policies governing Intercountry Committees, the important function of ICCs to create bridges, foster peace, and facilitate cooperation between diverse cultures and nations.
Intercountry Committees are recognized by Rotary International among “Multidistrict Activities and Organizations” (MDAO)
In support of Rotary’s action plan to enhance participant engagement and increase our ability to adapt, the Rotary International Board of Directors approved numerous policy changes that will promote greater participation in Intercountry Committees.
These changes include:
- Streamlining the ICC governance structure to align with Rotary’s existing leadership structure
- Recognizing the formation of ICCs at both the national and subnational levels
- Clarifying the role of the Executive Council as a resource to promote ICCs maintain a database of existing ICCs, and guide districts who seek support with forming new ICCs
The Rotary International ICC policies is included on the Chapter III, Article 21 of the RI Code of Policies.

Rotary International President support
Frank Spain, Rotary International President 1951-1952, financially supported the creation of ICCs in Europe. In the following years, the initiative received support of Rotary International Presidents.
Several ICC conferences took place in Strasbourg with the participation of Rotary Interntional Presidents: Frank Spain, Nitish Laharay , CDH Tenestra, Richard Evans, Bill Carter, Jack Davis, Mac Caffarey, Mat Capparas.
Major international events focusing on ICCs with the RI president participation include :
- the 1992 Presidential Salute to Inter-Country Relations in Montpellier with RI President Cliff Dochterman
- the 2003 Presidential Conference in Antibes-Juan les Pins with RI President Jonathan Majiyagbe
- the 2008 presidential conference “Peace is Possible” in Cannes with RI President Wilfrid J Wilkinson
- the 2012 Rotary Global Peace Forum in Berlin with RI President Sakuji Tanaka
- the 2015 Rotary Day at UNESCO with the theme “Building Peace with Rotary and UNESCO: Intercountry Committee Peace Initiative” with RI President Gary Huang
In June 2021, at the initiative of 2020-2021 Rotary International President Holger Knaack, a preconvention event to highlight the work of Intercountry Committees was organized during the Rotary International Convention.
With the theme, “Intercountry Committees: Opening Opportunities for Peace“, the preconference which took place on Thursday and Friday, 10-11 June 2021 featured inspiring speakers:
- Mr. Holger Knaack, Rotary International President 2020-2021
- Mr. John Hewko, General Secretary and CEO of Rotary International
- Ms. Ouided Bouchamaoui, 2015 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
- Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO
- Mr. Cyril Noirtin, then ICC Executive Council Chair
The event offered practical breakout sessions and networking opportunities to help participants learn about starting an intercountry committee or expanding existing relationships while being part of a network of international goodwill and service.
The event focused on three objectives:
- Raising awareness about ICCs and the peacebuilding opportunities that they can offer
- Inspiring greater interest and participation in ICCs through examples of current successful relationships
- Providing an networking opportunity to inspire new ICCs

The Rotary International Board of Directors have recognized the importance of ICCs on several occasions, and have encouraged the creation of new committees in all areas of the world
Connecting for Impact
Watch a short video podcast featuring two Rotary International employees :
- Ellina Kushnir
Director, Programs and Global Development - Fergal McCarthy
Peace Programs Manager
The conversation highlights the importance of Intercountry Committees (ICCs) in promoting peace and collaboration within Rotary International. It also emphasizes the need for members to share their stories and activities related to ICCs to inspire others and enhance visibility through various Rotary media channels. [click here for the full transcript]