ICC Executive Board

The ICC Executive Council is led by the ICC Executive board which consists of the Chair of the ICC Executive Council, Chair Elect, Chair Nominee, Immediate Past Chair, General Secretary and Treasurer.

The Chair of the Executive Council serves a two-year term, acts as the liaison between intercountry committees and Rotary International, and submits an annual report to RI in July each year.

On behalf of the ICC Executive Council, the board monitors the promotion and the development of Intercountry committees.

Mohamed Ghammam

CHAIRMAN 2022-2024
Rotary Club of Sidi Bou Said (D-9010)
Tunis, Tunisia

Mohamed is CEO of a hotel company and hotel owner.

A rotary member since 1990 and Founder of a new Rotary Club in 2014, Mohamed served as Club President, Governor and member of the staff of District 9010, Representative of the President of RI, Trainer, Speaker, Moderator, General Trainer, Training Leader in Gets and Institutes, Rotary conventions and Presidential Conferences, Africa Rota Chair Region 1 (214-2016), Vice President of IRL and Rotary Coordinator Zone 22 (2014-2020).

He was former ICC National Coordinator Tunisia (2013-2018) and President Nominee of ICC Executive Council (2022-2024).

Mohamed is Major Donor of the Rotary Foundation and Member of Paul Harris circle.

Nathalie Huyghebaert

Chair-elect 2024-2026
Rotary Club of Villers-la-Ville (D-2150)
Villers-la-Ville, Belgium

Nathalie is a member of the Rotary Club Villers-la-Ville, District 2150, Belgium.
She is a Past District Governor (2016/2017) and currently serves as the ICC National Coordinator for Belux.

She has been involved with ICC since 2010 as Chair of the Belgium section of the ICC Belux Lebanon.

As ICC National Coordinator since 2019, Nathalie has been motivating Belgium ICCs to organize zoom meetings together, giving ideas and motivate to realize large-scale programs.

During her year as District Governor, she organized a special meeting at the European Union in Brussels with the participation of RI General Secretary John Hewko.

She is also active with the NGO “Hospital without Boarders” created by Rotarians to collect medical material from the hospitals.

Nathalie’s vision for the future of Rotary Intercountry Committees is that with more support of RI, the ICCs can better play a concrete role at humanitarian, professional and youth levels, thanks to the friendship that binds us and our network.

Marie-Françoise CHAPUIS

General Secretary 2023-2024
Rotary Club of Montpellier (D-1700)
Montpellier, France

President of Rotary Club Montpellier RY 2018-2019.
Assistant Governor 2019-2023.
District International Service Chair D-1700 RY 2019-2024.
District Scholarship Subcommittee Chair RY 2020-2024.


Treasurer 2023-2024
Rotary Club of SAINT-CLOUD (D-1660)

Chair of the ICC National Section France / Romania – Moldova.

His role as treasurer: Prepare the annual budget linked with the International Président, the commitee following the strategic targets. Send the contribution calls to each ICC National Sections. Follow and check their payments. Follow the balance sheet income and expenses. Look for sponsors to sup-port our activities. Present the accounts, balance sheet and annual report for the general meeting session and transfer to Rotary International all the informations.

Cyril Noirtin

Rotary Club of Paris Agora (D-1660)
Paris, France

Cyril Noirtin is associate-CEO at ISC PARIS Business School, a higher education institution in management sciences.

A Rotary member since 2002, Cyril has served as a club President, district officer, a member of the Rotary Foundation Peace Center Committee, member of the RI Service to Young Adult Committee , the RI Rotaract Committee and Treasurer and Vice-Chair of the Rotary Inter-Country Committee Executive Council.

Cyril is a member of the Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation Strategic Planning joint Committee. He also serves Rotary International as Rotary Primary Representative to the UNESCO & the OECD

He is a former member and European President of Rotaract and a former participant in the Rotary Youth Exchange program.

Cyril is a recipient of The Rotary Foundation’s Service Regional Award for a Polio-Free World and a Major Donor of the Rotary Foundation.

oSerge Gouteyron

Honorary Chairman
Rotary Club of Valenciennes Denain aérodrome (D-1670)
Valenciennes, France 

Serge Gouteyron (here you can read his biography) retired from business after a career of CEO in distribution (wholesale, franchise and export company).

A Past Rotary Ditrict Governor (D-1670 in 2000-2001), Past Rotary International Director (2004-2006) and Vice President (2005-2006), Serge has been very active in ICCs activities. He served the Executive Council as chairman in 2007-2010, Vice chair 2004-2007, National Coordinator for France in 2001-2004 and is the founder of the ICC between France and Russia. To promote ICC Serge has organized several international conference in Antibes in 2003, in Cannes in 2008 and in 2015 at the UNESCO in Paris with the participation of the RI President where ICCs were promoted. He chaired the RI Rotary Fellowships Committee.

He has represented the RI President in over in 27 district conferences where he took the opportunity to promote the ICC Program.

Currently, Serge serves as the At large Rotary International Representative in Paris. Serge is a recipient of the Rotary Service Above Self award, The Rotary Foundation’s International Award for a Polio-Free World, a Distinguished Service Award of the Foundation and a Major Donor of the Rotary Foundation.


The Chair of the Inter-Country Committees Executive Council has appointed a team of other support members for specific topics, who, together with the members of the ICC Executive Board, form the Enlarged ICC Executive Board.

The composition of the Enlarged Inter-Country Committees Executive Board is published on the first two pages of the Directory of the ICC National Sections in the world [link: https://rotary-icc.org/documents/ICC_National_Sections.pdf].