ICCs and Peace initiatives
As a global humanitarian organization, positive peace is a cornerstone of our mission.
Since their inception, ICCs have been building understanding and peace among people of different origins.
With their simple structure and flexibility, they have forged strong ties between partnering countries and built a network of contacts which are an extremely valuable asset for clubs and districts.
By carrying out service projects and supporting peace fellowships and scholarships, our members take action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.
In these troubled times, after a global pandemic, with a lingering economic downturn, numerous threats to world peace, and serious risk to the sustainability of our environment, we have reached a crossroads facing multiple crises. Now, more than ever, Rotarians need to encircle the globe and convey their message of hope.
Past Rotary International President Maurice Duperrey said “From an international standpoint, Rotarians can make themselves the connecting link between nations.”
As Rotarians, to complement all of the international aspects we cherish about our great organization, we are using our ICCs to put Rotary’s message into practice and to build bridges of friendship with clubs and districts from different cultures and nations.
The following are some examples of Peace projects carried out or supported by ICCs.
The Poland-Ukraine Intercountry Committee organized a summer camp for children affected by the conflict in Ukraine in 2014.
In addition to activities and field trips, the campers received counseling to help deal with their feelings. ICC members raised money to pay for the travel and lodging expenses of the children and their caretakers.
On several occasions, the Belux-Ukraine and Belux-Russia ICCs have organized an international classical music concert called “Resonance“. This concert associates the promising talent of 4 young artists, one of whom was Russian and the other Ukrainian both selected and recommended by the Ukrainian and Russian sections of the ICC. The purpose was to react by seeking the opposite of a resolution of conflict by arms.
The India-Pakistan Intercountry Committee was chartered in 2019. This committee has been active since then in promoting contacts between Rotary and Rotaract clubs in both countries.
Recently 15 Rotaract clubs pairs were matched one from each country. The matched pairs are having joint meetings discussing common culture, collision service projects, and discussing peace and conflict resolution.
In early 2016, Toni Polsterer, ICC Executive Council Chairman 2010-2012 worked with the ICCs to organize a contest for Global Grant projects focused on peace and conflict resolution, offering a $5,000 prize to each of the two winners: a vocational training team of women peacebuilders, and a music therapy program for young people affected by conflict.
Positive Peace seminars
Rotary works with the Institute for Economics and Peace, a leader in the study of peace and conflict, to address the causes of conflict and create conditions that foster peace.
The partnership focuses on education and training about Positive Peace. On several occasions, ICCs have team up with the IEP to co-organized a Positive Peace Seminar.
For example, the France-USA Inter-Country Committee has organized 3 peace seminars (In 2016 in Paris, 2018 in New Orleans and 2021 in Rennes). Thoses events represented what ICCs do best: mentoring young people, developing leaders, fostering intercultural dialog, and promoting peace.
Mediterranean Peace Initiative
The Mediterranean Region is one of the most sensitive parts of our world, historically fraught with disputes and conflicts. This region encompasses 16 countries, where three religions are practiced by various faiths, and eight languages are spoken, all within a profile of diverse cultures.
This initiative aims to build bridges between the communities around the Mediterranean and facilitate common denominators with the objective of improving the living conditions of people in the region in a peaceful environment.
Global Peace Advocacy Events
Both at a national level (national sections) and an international level (Executive Council), ICCs regularly organize (or actively participate in) international events of various scales. The main objective of these events is to bring together Rotarians from all over the world and create networking opportunities across borders.