ICC and the Rotarian action group for peace

The Rotarian action group for peace (RAGFP) serves as a resource to the Rotary community and is on a mission to engage, educate and empower the Rotary network to advance peacebuilding worldwide.

The mission of Intercountry Committees is to promote peace and international understanding while improving cross-cultural awareness, engaging diversities, and bridging communities.

One of the ultimate goals in Rotary is the creation of more peaceful and resilient societies. We do this through the values that we hold, both ethical and cultural, and through the service and peacebuilding projects that we initiate. As ‘people of action’, we inspire others through our service to communities and to humanity. We understand that in order to achieve a more peaceful world, we must eliminate the obstacles to peace: injustice, misunderstanding, mistrust, poverty, disease, and more.

RAGFP and Intercountry Committees allow us to address these challenges.

In the context of the Rotary Peace Strategy which aims to assure strategic synergy among the myriad of peace activities within Rotary International, inclusive of the Peace Centers and the Peacebuilding & Conflict Prevention Area of Focus, the Rotary Intercountry Committee Executive council and the RAGFR have decided to contribute to a more defined and coordinated approach to peace programs within Rotary.

A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING has been signed between the RAGFP and the ICC Executive Council to outline a framework of cooperation between the RAGFP and Rotary Intercountry committees to develop mutually beneficial programs, projects and activities for peace and conflict prevention and resolution.

To see the MOU, please click here

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